Introduction There are many reasons to travel. There are, of course, the obvious ones: seeing new places and experiencing new things, meeting new people, learning about different cultures and cuisines. But there are other benefits that aren’t as obvious — like how traveling makes you a better person! Here are […]
Travel Tips
Introduction If you are an art lover, one of the best ways to experience a new city is by visiting its museums. From modern art to ancient artifacts, there are so many different genres of fine art that can be found in every corner of the world. Here are seven […]
Introduction Traveling the world is one of the best ways to learn about ourselves, our cultures, and our planet. But it can also be really expensive! Luckily, I’ve been able to travel full-time for eight years now on a budget of less than $50 per day. Here’s how: Travel with […]
Introduction If you’re a frequent traveler, you know how easy it is to get stuck in your routine. You book the same vacation every year, always stay at the same hotels and eat at the same restaurants. Why? Because they’re familiar—and because it’s easier than trying something new. But if […]
Introduction London has so much to offer, but visiting its many landmarks is a must for any traveler. The city is home to some of the world’s most famous buildings and monuments, from Big Ben to Westminster Abbey. Here are some tips on how you can make your visit to […]
Introduction Have you ever traveled the world as an art lover? What was your favorite part? Did you learn anything new about art history or culture along the way? I’ve visited dozens of museums over my life and learned so much about myself and how beautiful this planet really is […]
Introduction Whether you’re touring the White House or just visiting your favorite park in the city, there’s nothing like seeing a landmark for the first time. From the moment you see it on your map to when you finally reach it, there’s an excitement that comes from knowing that this […]
Introduction Have you ever traveled to a new city and wanted to try the local cuisine, but were afraid that it would be too expensive? Or maybe you had limited time and just wanted something quick. Either way, here is how to find the best food when travelling on a […]
Introduction Are you planning a trip? Do you want it to be memorable? If so, follow these tips! Plan Ahead Set a Budget One of the most important things you can do when planning a trip is setting a budget. This will help you decide how much money you need […]
Introduction If you’re planning an extended trip through Europe, getting around can be one of the most frustrating parts. Don’t worry! We’ve got a few tips that’ll help you travel without breaking the bank on international data usage: Get an EU SIM card. If you want to go SIM card-free, […]